Saturday, November 4


ok,ive been ver bz for dis weekenD
but insist to update dis blog,do keep on blogging till im getting bored wif dis stuff
actually maxis urges me to show myresentment in front of em tomorrow bcoz i already made a pyment for d'last month's bill but my line is still not activated and have been interrupteD which is i cant sms-ing & calling anybody...eiiiiii...stUpidO..i hate dis shiTty stuff,i need to call mymom regarding of myc's request bout she wants to go to d'school by bus instead of my hardworking mama send&fetch her from school everyday.aiyyoooo----dis little gurl always trying to be independant but seems like mymom didnt dare to allow her to stand by her own feet.she cant bear if any bad things happen to her youngest daughter...whuttever...jealousy a bit bcoz i hav to do many things by my own since i was young,and my c's pulak,everytyme she's in trouble she will call me and im d'1 who can "pujuk" mymom and convey her request to mymom so dat my mom will ask for my opinion and after a little bit of negotiation
&arguement,my mom will agree wif my opnion..dat always happen btw...ok,stop here,i got lotz of works to be done bfore tomorrow &and i promised daya(exsamurian who's juz coming back from US and now working wif TEXAS instrument)to accompany her shopping for new stuffs as she's now move in to my house..oki,got to go....~daa

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