s per request by mr stefan n mYself also wanted to upload d'pics in dis blog,instead of telling a very long story bout d'shit things dat had happend to me today for u guys watching it(purposely =))..above is our pics when we had din at fishmarket manhattan(or d'otherway around--hehehe)...
today is a verY damne bad day for me when i was juz realized dat 1 of my car's tyre already flat.surprisingly,i didnt notice it while i was driving n juz realized when suddenly all d'cars passing by were honking at me n were pointing to mycar.gasp!but i've controlD dis kind of ctuation wif mywit of coz :P, *unflappable mode*--hahaa--acted like i was cool eventho d'heartbeats getting faster at dat mo- and my stupidity was majoring me today by paYing 20bucks to d'parkingboY juz for replacing d'flat tyre wif d'perfect 1(ouh,mysparetyre in d'boot i mean).okie,mysilly mistake--damne it,n more worst,when actually he did nothing wif d'tyre,juz d'same condition bfore i went 2d'office dis morning--haihh--too bad..ouh,n mysignal suddenly didnt function well since last weekenD which is need to b'fixd ASAp but had no tyme at all n today im having probs wif both tyre n signals..urghhh.but thanks to amri for helping me today.drove d'car to d'workshop to B'repaird and thanks to faiz s well for driving me to d'workshoP to meet amri there.
and todaY i did nothing in d'office,browsed few islands'webbies to find out d'best place for snorkeling dis weekend.most probablY at perhentian island.bubu(long beach island)..erggh,i really can smelll d'blue sea n white beach now ;)--TEMpTINGGG---
was having an arguement wif my gfs--mykathryn,but finally we settled it down peacefully.ermm,mymistakes i think.dats what i should say--people keep changing for a better things n so do i.s d'time passing by,im trying to improve myself better than bfore.juz give me tyme n space k mydear gfs.i heart all of u =)
i think im better off now,n urghh--im into IT =) its bcome more obvious recentlY-- =) =) =)
ouh,d'task for tomorrow is:
1)sit down n talk to stefan,discussing bout our snorkeling plan--decide d'best place to B'
2)book for flight tickets n accomodations s well
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