Tuesday, July 22

Y bother?

bored stiff in d'house!
thinking bout water rafting dis saturday..
going or not going???

today,in d'office, i have no guts to do myjobs.
dunno y, but actually i did finish doing final report,
so i have nothing much to do.haha..

and what d;heck am i doing rite now?
i start typing drivel into mylappie,
and my mind whirring round n round....dewh!

thinking of going to post office tomorrow to renew mylisence
(OMG, due is today)-swear i forget bout it!
and r;mc even worse, her lisence was due on 16th july haritu.hahhhaa.choy!
and d'main purpose is to claim d'rebate -weeee!

im being judgemental nowadays even to every ppl on earth dat i meet.
dun ask me y,im also keep asking myself y.
even got judgement which over d'limit dat i suppose to think about.
if it was an error of judgement,ill deeply regrate in d'end of d'day.
and i shoud be penalized bout dat genuine mistake dat i've made.

eiii, feel glad after having conversation wif mr bf =).missed him alot!
hey ppl,u can see my mood mixed up-gradually up n down!aggressive sungguh mood inikan?

anyway,im detox-ing for these few days. please tell cik hamidah to makan sorok2 dr i.
sangatla depress tengok die makan dgn bahagia.!!!huahuahuahua...

keyboard off!

1 comment:

your average girl said...

cik hamidah kate die susah sikit la kalau tak sakat cik nurizawanie. hehe. makan bahagia apenye. aduh, sukar skali pas tgk mtv ni. ok. malam ni kite tgk nur iman je k