birthday celebration wif d'theme "masquerade nite"
and it was a surprise party for mr boyfren =) (okie, he may know there will be a celebration for him -as me n my gurls usually do- but it was unexpected when he saw bundles of his frens joining d'party =) (over 20 paxs) he told me " you are the best ". whutt to do?? 1 of my forte = P *im now flying high up to d'sky* bluekkk!!!
actually a month bfore his birthday, i've started thinkin' bout what im gonna do, what shud i do n what's d'best thing i shud give to him to make his 25th birthday is d'most memorable celebration he ever had. mr boyfren is a very simple guy, dun care much bout birthday celebration or dreaming of funky2 things will happen in his life but once it happens, he appreciate it soo much..OMG, i got sumthing unbelievable in return =) *okie, im not trying to buy mr boyfren wif sum crazy ideas to make him happy n hoping dat im gonna get sumthing in return* pple might misjudge my words above-but erghhh... he knows me well. He knows.....
and d'idea is came from mr aswad actually. when we were lepaking at my house, discussing bout his birthday, he suddenly came up " ape kate buat masquerade nite?"
sekali i buat, encik aswad siap tk percaye kot "gilerrrr mu" - he screeched at me ..hohohoho..sape suruh bg idea giler ni kn? but nvm, d'party went well n every1 was happy (i hope =) ) and thanks for every1 diatas kerjasama yg sangat besh!
and a bit sad cket dat nite when sabby was oncall, haihsss.. but i missed out aswad's besday d'next day, bcoz mr boyfren brought me to langkawi wif few frens. anyway,im satisfied wif my effort to make every1 happy on dat nite, sure got imperfectness, but juz swallow it n gonna improve it in d'future .dats all. weee... as long as i know mr boyfren was happy n enjoying d'party, i felt glad enuff =) n i take dis opportunity to thank every1 for their support especially his frens.
foods i served :
1) spaghetti wif 2 sources (beef bolognese n chicken bolognese)
2) salad
3) maredo's pizza
better i stop now.. ngatuks sudaaa
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