Thursday, June 23

LABOUR ROOM's experience

ngehehehhee...sampai dah entry ni.yes!

okla,1st of all sorry if this entry got few "18sx" words like "bukaan beberapa cm..." "jolok" and all...heheheeh.cant be avoided la kan in the process...

ok.1stly, during my pregnancy,i have few wishes and really hope that Allah will grant my wishes.

1)my first baby is gonna be a BOY,perfect&healthy -Alhamdulillah Allah granted my wish.speechless.i have 3siblings.all girls.and my mom also hoping that im gonna get a baby boy.everybody is happy when at 7mos of pregnancy (ouh,pemalu anakku cam mak die kan? 7 bulan baru nak tunjuk2 sikit.haha). seriously lots of people told me im carrying a baby girl.only mom said a baby boy ouh and my grandma said "mak time pregnant dulu muka berseri2,suka make up xmcm ko,pregnant selekeh muka". (padahal mak ku mmg suka bermake up xkire mase.haissshh). but finally,a baby boy.ouh my,so happyyyyyy =)

2)normal birth without epidural -just like how my mom did mase deliver her all 3heroins.hehe. Alhamdulillah Allah granted my wish,normal without epidural. indescribable pain but managed to bear with it patiently and a not-so-supportive hubs really helped me a lot in went through the critical moment by saying "sayang,sayang boleh punya,sikit je lagi, syg dh tahan lame dah".eh i yg nak bersalin,dia pulak yg boleh.haha.

3)if possible,can my baby born in between time after Thursday maghrib-bfore solat Jumaat?-because its consider as Friday in islamic calendar.
actually Azriff was born in the same month wif our prophet Muhammad S.A.W (rabiulawwal). was hoping as well,that he gonna born on 12rabiulawwal,but terlajak sikit.but Alhamdulillah still thursday night (mlm jumaat).

4)water birth-haaaa,bab ni terpengaruh kt novel shopaholic,ouh my god,cool kannnnn????but whut to do,my gynae bfore this was working in Arab Saudi,she said arab saudi nye water birth much better than just a small pool,the plastic one like for kids tu and no jakuzi and all bfore the,not recommended.ouh soo sadddd!after googling,i found only hospital pantai,penat pergi.skali Dr tak, fine la.we go for the normal process,on bed punye (hubs kate ngade2 je nak dlm air bagai).actually i can use his privilege tau, can deliver baby anywhere in the globe, sure company cover.i dh request kat UK ke US ke tp xdilayan.nyampah!hahaha.(budget if branak kt overseas muka anak cam omputihla?)haha.
ouh my God,macam2 kan my wishes,certain people claimed im a "freak". hahahaha.

so, during my pregnancy,my gynae ouh my good very islamic,experienced and very good in assisting patients.mmg everytime nak check ke,everything she wanna do like rubbing lotion bfore she scan my tummy she'll bace doa,tgh2 check bace doa,and crita je ape prob kat dia.ade je doa dia suruh,jatuh cinta with her.haha.she told me with her,insyaAllah takde sakit2 emergency nak beranak ni,dia akan monitor frm time to time.i pon cuakla.alamak,camane nak monitor,because normally what i heard frm others,semua sakit2 nak bersalin baru gi hospital.what a good thing bout experienced Dr ni, dia bley agak dah bila nak,my EDD actually on 25th february but i really hope dpt deliver awal so that during confinement hubs will be here wif me.(giler x aci ok,dlm pantang srg2,nak amek exam bagai). so a week before i deliver baby,dh ckp kt Dr nak deliver next week (which is week yg 17th feb tu),so Dr ckp,if nak bersalin awal kene buat 3things:

1)ok,segan sikit nak tulis but since all my readers are ladies(i hope),haha.
having sex regularly like 1/2 times everyday.

2)play wif nipple.(suruhla hubs yg buat,jgn buat sendiri pulak,serious xfeel.haha)

3)pray continuously

so, after a week,went for check up,doc ckp dh bukak 3cm (ok,i dah cuak.gilo.xsakit xape,tetibe doc ckp dah bukak.ouh my God).that time rabu ptg(15th feb).so doc ckp balik rumah pack brg,lek2 gi hospital.and guess what?ktrg ni dah set in mind,since no rushing at all dr ckp nanti time bersalin,ktrg ape pon xprepare brg2 hospital.boley?, blk after maghrib,gerak pi Tropicana Medical Centre. then sampai sane dok tido je smpai the next day (thursday).pasai xsakit ape2pon.hehehe.then Dr dtg subuh tu ,she checked still 3cm, and asked "tak sakit ka?".i ckp "takde pon".then my doc ckp "ok,i tolong ni...." and she ...errrr jolok2 cket. few minutes after out of sudden my water broke.ouh my god,pebende yg doc buat td???hahahaha.then since after subuh tu barula rase sakit sikit2.the pain was like gradually increase.mase tu baru 4cm bukak.i tido bangun,tdo bangun.hubby?ouh kesian dia,kene tdo atas sofa,psl dlm labour room 1 bed nyenyak ooo die tido.takde la cuak ke ape.cettt!

then,after zohor ke asar baru rase sakit cam mencucuk2 sikitla,tahan lagi.tido bangun,selera makan xde dah.actually boring kot dok je atas ade one nurse tu ckp,when my water broke,i cannot go anywhere,kene rest atas katil.gerammmmm jeeeeee!!!!org nak jalan2 barula bley distract sakit ni.but when nurse checked,still 4cm.apekaaaa???dr subuh td 4cm.grrrrr....then,after asar tu barula kemuncaknye.every 3mins sakit,every 3 mins sakit.then,ckp kt hubs,nak amek epidural la.actually nurse dah offer awal2,doc pon,but i reluctant to take it at first.mmg dah set takkan ambil matter what.nak rase sakit beranak cane.hubs plak ckp "dosa u tu dahla banyak, bawak2la rase sakit sikit,baru insaf".cetttttt...wife mithali dikate dosa banyak.hahahaa.

then,when dah sakit2 tu,ckp kt hubs nak amek epidural,he said "sayang mesti ok,sayang dh tahan dr after subuh lg,ni tinggal sikit je,syg boleh".hangin gue.i yang sakit,dia yg mmg kuatkan smangat pon,bende yg keep on playing in y mind is what my mom gonna say bile amek epi.ooooo,mak i pedasssss wooo.hahahaha.die dh ckp awal2 "nenek ko beranak kt rumah,releks je takde epidural ke pejadah tu? mak dulu pon okje.ko jgn nak ngade2 amek bende2 yg tak tau effectnye...pot pet pot pet..." nanti if i amek,confirm die sebut2 smpai dapat cicitlaaa.hahaha.tu yg mcm dah sakit sgt kan,so,i ckp kt nurse call dr soh cepat dtg,bley amek epidural lg ke tak.nurse call dr,selambe dr ckp tunggu dia dah sakit2 ni dr after Asar tu,bley plak doc dtg dkt2 nak isyak.dia ade operation buang ovari patient.kesian patient tu, tgh pregnant,ade cancer ovari pulak but they saved the baby,just buang 1 ovari.dont ask me how.dunno.after asar tu nurse check still 4cm bukak.haiyerr,pehal slow sgt tak bukak2.

then,dkt2 isyak doc sampai,dr check and she said "ok,dah bukak 10cm,we r ready k,boley start push".ok, menggelabah giler.apekah td nurse ckp 4cm tak, i tak mkn since lunch tu pasai tak selera,n rs mcm sengal giler dok hospital lame2,terbaring atas katil.serious the 2nd one nanti i nak gi jln2 pusing2 hospital tu kasi nak freshen up my mind and it'll distract myself frm thinking bout the pain.apedaaa nurse sengal, xkasi jalan2 pulak.

then,when everything was ready,dr ckp "bile rase sakit je push..."so,pushla bile rs sakit,i actually xdengar ape yg hubs i ckp mase tu die kene tlg ampu my head and push it towards the chest mase i push.doc,maybe dia diam je kot.i mmg dah pesan awal ,jgn ckp "sabar yang" and yg seangkatan tgh sakit ckp sabar,mmg nak,maybe beliau diam dgn jayenye.hahaha. then halfway push i bley ckp "saye tak mampula dr...""...hahaahaha,bile ingat2 part plg lawak tu la.adeke bley ckp camtu mase push.doc ckp "eh,jgn maen2,baby dah engage,kene cepattttt...pushhhhh" push la lagi.finally baby keluar Alhamdulillah.

so,the metaphor "mase bersalin mmg sakit,tp bile tgk baby hilang semua sakit"..booooo..tipuuuuuu...hahahaahah.din applied to me.1st time doc showed Azriff ms after mandikan dia,mase daddy dia nak taknikkan dia tu, i pandang je dia.dlm hati i ckp "budak ni la td yg nak keluar bkn maen susah"..bley ckp gitu?i bukan not being grateful.but i was blank.tak pernah layan budak kecik and actually i dont really like kids pon.i tak pernah babysit anak sape2,even my sist.psl gap jauh2 and mom never asked me to help her.and for us,yg beria2 nak anak was my hubby.i mase tu xde prasaan,husband ckp nak anak,kita layankan aje...hehehe.thought nak tunggu after i finish my master,but hubs tortured me la wehhh.everyday kt offshore called ckp nak baby.penat telinga dgr,6months after get married,production pon start Alhamdulillah tros jadi.heheeh.if la xplanning, maunye bunting pelamin.xdapekla gi pasal tu plak i pk.hehe.

so,that was the process la.Alhamdulillah it went smoothly as planned, after deliver doc siap ckp "ok,dah deliver khamis mlm jumaat, as you WISHED =) ,nama dia ade muhammad lagi better psl ambil keberkatan Jumaat tu". at 1st ktrg tgh pk nak letak ke tak muhammad tu,bile dr dh ckp camtu,tros decide letak je muhammad. so,MUHAMMAD AZRIFF NAASHIF =). ouh i tak menangis pon mase sakit bersalin and mase push nak bersalin.mase tgk baby pon tak certain mom,tgk anak terharu kan.i takde i a bad mom??? mase tu mcm2 yg ade dlm kotak fikiranku,dgn nak exam,assignment.few dys after deliver baby dh start pegang buku.wuwu.and my hubs pon takde nangis plak mase i deliver.grrrr.husband org laen siap ckp "if kite dpt 1 anak ni pon takpe,after this u takyahla bersalin lg ye,abg tak kesah".perghhhh...husband i?dlm pantang lg dh ckp "pasni Azriff dh 2years,dpt adik baru lg ok".i tny dia "nape syg tak nangis ms i deliver?" ."nak nagis watpe?"...uwaaa..kayu betul since i pon tka nangis,so i tak rase apela.few of my frens said maybe sbab everything went smoothly.i takde terjerit2 sakit dlm tu,takde bende2 pelikla yg jadi like air ketuban tk cukup,baby cant breat ke ape.everythng was going ok.Alhamdulillah sangat2.thats y both of us rase mcm okey if ade baby lg insyaAllah =).

but i need to mention here,actually i feel glad,got hubs sooo kayu like that,certain women dont like that type of guy,a -non-romantic-type of guy (which is good laaa kan,takde org len nak.muahahaha).sometimes because of him,i become stronger and not easily give up.nak mengade2 pon tak boleh.mmg takkan dilayan.wuwu. and fyi, i didnt face any nausea,morning sickness,sakit pinggang ke ape throughout my pregnancy.Alhamdulillah.sebaliknya siap lagi bnyk berjalan and kehulu kehilir lagi.hehehe.mmg feel grateful blessed wif excellent health during my pregnancy.puasa full sebulan =).yes,i should be strong for my baby.hopefully baby will be strong like mommy&daddy =)

till the next post.daaa =)

1 comment:

MiJa said...

dah lupa cemana sakit nak bersalin!!huhuu cemana ni..dh nk masuk 38 weeks..last check up dr tanya dh sakit ke? kmija ckp takde,then she said kalo sakit i nak check jalan..haa,part tu mmg ngeri..huaaa....