Thursday, May 31

breastfeeding story part two

hello ladies,

today is a public holiday. yeayyy! *saje nak buat office2 yg xcuti jeles* hehehe. ok, mariiii membace =)

Breastfeeding equipments

part ni untuk memudahkan keadaan, memang kene sediakan peralatan secukupnya. Tak semestinya kene canggih2 or mahal2. Stick to thing which makes u feel comfortable. For me I go for medela freestyle not because of the brand or sebab ramai org guna. But I dh guna swing n seriously I feel not ok, so I go for freestyle its easier for me. Nak bwk travel, nak pump mase kerja,sooo easy. 10-15 mins maximum! and then I can do my work! Even I always pump while driving. Keluar office,pasang siap2 dlm kereta, then im good to go! choose what makes u think its very convenient and xmenyusahkan hidup anda. Mmg sometimes costly jugak bende2 ni,so kenela budget sikit.xpayah makan TGI Friday’s everyday, Ben’s or yg mahai2. If krg cukup budget then its good.if mcm kami2 ni haruslah berjimat cermat demi anak2.*chewahhh now I sound like err…ibu mithali* kekeke.=P

Stress-free&be happy =)

Please take note wahai ibu2 sekalian, jgnla selalu sgt nak stress bende2 yg tak berape perlu distresskan! I read somewhere and I think lots of people out there always say that “if stress, susu tak keluar nanti”… I don’t know whether its true or not….i rase betul kot sbab ramai org cakap. Yes, mungkin ini membantu. And mase ni la kot hubby memainkan peranan penting. I think different people, go different cases.

i.Ade org happy bila dibelai manja hubby selalu. So dia tak stress, so production pon bnyk,
ii.ade org bila nak pump je dia kene tengok,belek gamba anak dia few mins utk dptkan mood happy (seriously mmg ade) then bila tgk anak mesti happy kan,so dapatla dia pump dgn jayenye.

I pulak jenis yg tak perlu tgk2 gambar ni (I boleh bygkan dlm kepala sendiri mcmmane rupa nakal Azriff) hahaha. Then smbil pump, i tweet, whatsapp, fb bagai.weeeee….so itulah aktiviti menggembirakan saya!hehehehee (plg best if tgh on the fon with hubby), so lagi banyak susunye.hehehhe. and for me,im happy always Alhamdulillah psl hubby selalu tlg dr jauh, mcm if ade problem,dia googlekan,cari solution. For certain cases u tak payah nak pk semua bende srg2 sgt kan?kirenye morale support itu penting jugak ye kawan2 dan para suami =). eg: rumah tgh nak renovate ni, dapur kene cari sape tukang nak buat. para2 suami silela google or pergi cari,jgnla wife yg tgh sebok2 dgn baby jugak nak cari. mcmtula contohnye. bile wife tu jage baby,masak,kerja and all.bende2 lain u all pulak settlekan. so give and take la right?

as for anak pulak, memang ade org dpt anak yg jenis naagissssssss je 24jam (according to my mom i la tu.hehehe). ade pulak yg dpt senang nak jage. Alhamdulillah mybaby mmg sangat senang jage. sekarang ni laaaagi senang.asal nak kasi diam,sumbat makanan.kekekee. mase mula2 dlm pantang,my momy dtg, dia siap ckp

"senangnye la jaga budak ni, xmenyusahkan org langsung, mcmni seploh org bley mak jage ,bukan mcm ko dulu.keje nak melalakkkkk aje."

sungguh kurang sopan sebenarnye statement itu.ntah2 i baik mase dulu...hihihi..tapi mgm betol pon, according to makcik-pakcik i semua i mmg jenis susah jage.degil jgn ceritalaaa.... sungguh bersyukur anak tak ikot perangai sendiri...tapi ini baru anak 1st,belom tgk anak 2nd, 3rd, 4th (if ade rezeki)...uwaaaa.....
so for me, if dpt anak yg susah jaga,jgnla merungut,kdg2 psl tu pon nak stress. cuba amek from positive side, ade jugak aku anak,org lain nak anak bertahun2 xdapat. so bersyukurlah dgn jgn nak stress sgt.

As a mother&a wife you ladies should have time for yourself too. Jgn dok rumah mengadap muka anak je lepastu stress sendiri. Bnyk cara nak handle stress, like keluar dgn kawan2, beli brg yg krg suka, keluar ber2 dgn hubby, if mmg krg jenis suka ngadap anak, ngadap jela if tu yg buat krg happy.lain org lain carenye kan? So as long as krg happy n xmengganggu production process krg,maka yezza keep it up yo! =)


oooo.the most important part ye rakan2!im not a well disciplined person in many things dear friends,esp bab2 timing.memang fail! but, when it comes to the pumping session,im very puctual in fact, medela freestyle is my true friend, i feel awkward without it with me everytime im going out!
so here, you have to dicsipline urself so that ull get loads of EBM stocks in ur fridge/deep freezer!
i mmg jenis akan sentiasa check stock,ill make sure stock tu cukup at least for one month if i tinggalkan azriff for meeting, our outstation. like when dlm pantang smpaila azriff around 6mos, every 2-3hrs i mesti pump. then evey 4 hours. now in the office i pump tghr and ptg (because pg i dh susukan azriff). so like 4-5 hours jugak. bab ni,sil JANGAN MALAS ye rakan2 =)


if you have to, then you can take it i guess, (make sure you ask ur Dr first) . for me i dont have to take any supplement like shaklee or fenugreek.bescause i pernah ambil fenugreek,tapi same je prodcutioin susu tu, tak de lebih sgt pon. so mcm xde effect sgt to me. supplement yg i ambil skrg is ape yg i ambil ms pregnant. 1) calcium 2) fish oil) . so thats it. memang smpai skrg la kene makan bende2 ni. and yes, i memang jenis when i wake up in the morning, first thing, ill drink 2glasses of water then a spoon of honey before i take my breakfast. mmg since dkt uni i amalkan. until now =)


Haaaa,bile I explain nanti, sile jgn ckp saye poyo nak show off ke ape ok. Ini ape yg I buat. seriously rase serba salah pulak, tp bila fikir2 balik if kita ada usaha ,tp takde doa tiada bermakna jugak kan? So ini apa yg I usahakan sepanjang I pregnant, dr1st day I know I was pregnant, sampai la skrg…… Cuma skrg mcm kurang je amalan2 tu.wuwuwuw. ms pregnant, rajin bangun malam, doa utk kita, suami dan anak,doa sekali pada Allah utk dptkan susu yg banyak. insyaAllah Allah tolong. Then, solat Dhuha, selalu utk bukakan pintu rezeki, doa sungguh2 nak dpt susu yg banyak utk our baby, mase tgh pump pon doa juga, semoga hasil tuaian semakin banyak dan memberi manfaat pada baby. In my entire life I memang tak depend totally on usaha, and I tak depend totally dgn doa.i do both. I believe in both. Bila dah usaha + doa, takde rezeki juga,maka Redha. Jgn pulak ckp I ingat org2 yg dh usaha nak breastfeed baby dia tp tak dpt,mereka tu tak berdoa. That’s not my point. Berbalik pada soal rezeki, if Allah nak bagi, so dia bagi. If Allah kata kun, so kun laaaa =) jika tiada, kene redha. Mungkin rezeki anak seterusnya ade mencurah2. We never know. And jgn ingat bila ada rezeki anak 1st,anak 2nd ,3rd pon ade. Berbalik kepada soal rezeki tadi, jika ade,maka adelah……. Usaha + doa…itu yg penting. Allah knows what’s best for us. insyaAllah.

Nota kaki: when I post my EBMs' pictures in fb or here, got few moms who don’t breastfeed their babies assumed that im a hardcore breastfeeding mom who memandang rendah towards mom yg xde chance or tak mau breastfeed their babies. Well, 1st ly, I memang salute dkt moms yg ade effort nak bfeed their babies, soal dpt buat atau tak, itu soal ke2. Yg penting ade intention. So I respect them. If tak dpt buat, as I said, berbalik pada soal rezeki ye kawan2. Siapa lah I nak pandang2 rendah dkt org? rezeki pon Allah yg bg. Memang its sooo not me, nak pandang2 rendah dkt org.

2ndly, if you are a mother and u choose to not bfeed your baby, I respect that as well. You have your own opinion, what’s best for you. Your life,your call! So tak perlu nak ikot org if you rase tak comfortable with that thing. Seriously, for me I tak rase pon salah moms yg tak nak bfeed their babies. Buat ape yg krg rase long as krg rase baby krg happy, krg happy. So that’s good enuff! No need to pening2 kepala pk ape org nak kate. Seriously, NO need at all…..

                                        organizing EBM. dah bersepah2 dlm deep freezer tu.
                                                              from feb-may 2012.

so, taaaaaa =)

Wednesday, May 30

Breastfeeding story part one

Hi all...

againnn.....fuuhhhh!!!! dusty&rusty....time to dust off my blog and update about my breastfeeding journey i guess. since a lot of people asking me bout tips, advices n etc..etc...sometimes rase mcm xqualified pulak ade intention to blog bout this.bukannye Dr ke, breastfeeding consultant ke, lactation consultant ke...soo im sooo sorry if got any pieces of advices yg actually xmengikut standard certain people. im just a normal people without any Dr title in front of my name, or isnt a Dr's wife or a Dr's daughter. ini memang pure org biasa =) all i want to do is just sharing bout my breastfeeding journey which i assume at least will give tak sorang, dua or maybe benefit to me for sharing this. =) right?

ok, first of all....physically&mentally prepared :

dont say that u want to breastfeed ur baby without any sacrifice. no sacrifice, no victory. dont say breastfeed is an easy task and assume everybody can do it. seriously.its not easy at all! trust me!the situation may varies from me to other mommies out there.please note that most of the time im handling my baby alone. esp for certain people who say : "penyusuan ibu sukar dilakukan tanpa sokongan ayah, bila ayah sentiasa menyokong ibu,maka mudahlah proses ibu menyusukan anak"...... honestly....and this is a fact.most of the time when im having problem with breastfeeding, i never got any "supportive" feedback from husband.

eg: me: "sayang,my nipple cracked or was bleeding just now"...
     hubby: "ooo, sapu la ubat"....

thats it.if that is what u call-  being supportive, so errrr......maybe yes.

me: "syg, i risau ebm azriff tinggal sikit dlm deep freezer tu"
hubby: "tak payahla risau, kan boleh pump lg".....

so.sekian. dont get me wrong, in this case, im not blaming my husband. im aware of his "hati keras-non-romatic-hati batu- type" since before kawen lagi. nanti ade pulak yg ckp i kawen pakse.muahahahah. bukan.bukan.memang ade org mcmni.sila balik buat sujud syukur if hubby anda seorang yg super romantic bile u all ckp sakit,dia tlg bg tips ala2 Dr on the spot ke or ape2la yg melambangkan hubby anda seorang yg romantic.(xbrape nak tau ciri2 husband romantic since i have a errrrr.......xbrape nak romantic type).hehehe. saya redha. memang betol. tujuan i  bgtau dia i got sore nipples or bleeding ke just for the sake of sharing.itu sahaje. mmg xde la nak harap respond berjela2 dr dia sbab mmg dh kenal dia. so, my point dkt sini is : kene mentally prepared la if you kene g through all those hard things alone and have to find ur own solutions.
cuma, yes disini im very2 lucky,even if my husband tak reti la nak jd sweet talker or romantic2 ni, dia sangat supportive from financial side. yes, when Allah gives you something, it wont be too perfect kan? so ade yg lebih dan ade yg kurang. maka, bersyukurlah dgn ape yg anda dpt =) disini mula2 ms dlm pantang i guna medela swing, tp memang serious menyampah psl i dgn nak ambil exam masters lg dlm pantang, nak kene pump one side dh half an hour, other side lg? then habis pump azriff bgn, kene bg susu lg? so i pon ckp kt hubby i, nak medela freestyle. dia xbnyk ckp terus beli. (sbab dia mmg jenis xbnyk ckp pon.hehhehe). if i nak anything berkaitan dgn baby,i can buy anytime. like lanolin ointment, breast pads, ebm storage or anything. dr segi tu bagus pulak,tak pernah mempersoalkan.

bab mommy pulak . my mom memang xde fully breastfeed anak2 dia.mesti campur.smpai 2 tahun.can u imagine, ktrg balik dr hospital terus dh makan biskut marrie. gempak x my mom?haha.i dont know la mmg style org dolu2 ke ape,risau sgt budak nangis, tak cukup drg sumbat makan.berdoalah semoga tiada effect terhadap anak dikemudian hari. so my mom keeps on saying"

"kalau x cukup susu tu, tambah susu formula laaa:

"budak ni dah 3bulan, kenapa xbg makan lg, jgn ikot sgt ckp Dr, drg ntah2 dh bg anak drg makan"

ade certain makcik2 or cousin2 or kawan2 pulak:

"asyik melekap je anak ko"

"tak sexy betol kene angkat2 baju n sumbat kt anak mcm tu"

memang ade sesetengah org mcmtu.biaq pi la depa.anggap depa x fully exposed to benefits of breastfeeding. or drg tau tapi memmang prinsip drg xmo breastfeed baby drg, so fine la.everyone ade opinion masing2kan.simple as that =)

seee. soooo i xdela dpt fully support pon from anyone. semuanya diatas kehendak sendiri.i memang serious berkeras nak breastfeed anak i smpai sekarang. so if org ckp drg xdpt bfeed anak psl environment and all, i mean without effort,just buta2 dgr org cakap, i seriously against it. if u are very firm with your decision, then dont have to look back and listen to what others say about ape2 yg korang nak buat. full stop.

Breast/nipple condition

1st thing yg all mommies perasan, after give birth, bukan baby senang2 terus dpt latch and few cases ade yg inverted nipple. and i faced both problems. Azriff xpandai/xdpt latch on sbab my inverted nipples. bersusah payah ni dkt hospital berusaha and we were finally able to get him latched on by the 2nd day i think. memang payah jugak.kene selalu pump to help the nipple to come out a bit. and yes it works! my gynae helped me a lot mase mula2 give birth and advised me to fully breastfeed my baby. then baby kene jaundice, admitted like 2-3days dkt hospital,so memang i turun naik2 la from my room to nursery kt hospital tu utk bfeed baby. can u imagine, baru few dys beranak?berjalan mcm nak rak ,turun naik-turun naik. pump lagi,  every 2-3hrs pergi nursery utk bfeed baby.buat assignment lg, study for final exam lagi. eh semuala buat sekali. but im thankful for the experience. org kate, jgn ade anak ms belajar, for me memang its hard actually, but then its rezeki afterall, y nak avoid? in the end i got my masters and baby at the same time =) kan rase bahagia tu? Alhamdulillah.syukur sangat. so my advise if got inverted nipples ke ape, my gynae told me to play with it with ur hub's help before u beranak, so that ms baby keluar senang. then selalu pump utk kasi dia keluar sikit. so memang Alhamdulillah, it helps! a lotttttt! =) pakai teats ke ape,i memang tak suka. sbab i takot azriff confuse or i have to depend on that everytime nk bfeed mmg xamalkan. memang ade cracked n sore nips,but i tabahkan hati je meredahnye..... ok,babtu cerita kt point lain.he-ho!

Food intake

this is what we calll sacrifice. bende yg kita suka makan or selalu makan kene try to avoid it for a while until perut baby dh bley accept those foods. i mmg suka all hot&spicy food.pernah makan right after pantang. then poo baby ade mcm kesan2 red colour,according to my mom itu cili,maka percaye ajelah.then xmkn pedas sgt. selalu kene makan milk booster like oat,kurma,kismis, lobak putih.lobak putih jgn ceritalaaa, mmg dh jd mcm my snack dah,everytime pon makan tu. eat fish a loootttt, then mmg i tak minum coffee or nescafe langsung because i read somewhere caffien not good for baby and the effect is your susu will be getting lesser and lesser if you kerap minum coffee. luckily, i wasnt a coffee drinker. seriously, i thank God everyday for that. i tak perlu minum coffee to keep me awake and stay fresh in the office. i can control myself, dont have to depend on coffee or any air manis2.

 if you are talking about, coke, sprite, any carbonated drinks yg tak boleh/tak digalakkan ms bfeed baby,yes i memang TAK minum langsung carbonated drinks. hehehehe. so its quite easy for me i guess. if u mmg peminum tegar minuman2 ini, agak susah jugalah,so kene control. ice? more advantage for me, i memang tak minum ice. i mean if org order,or ade depan mate,minumla sikit2,tp namenye nak order air berais eg :nescafe ice, milo ice bagai memang saye bukan orgnye. my fav drink after meal is limau suam, water melon juice ,fresh orange juice all without ice. bab makanan2 lain like kurma, oat,kismis, lobak putih yg i kene mkn everyday, i anggap itu sebagai makanan yg harm at ape salahnye kurangkan pedas dan makan,makanan berkhasiat? minum susu ,fruits,vege everyday. take it from a positive side la. bende tak bg harm pade badan,kenapa kene merungut nak makan? or give up breastfeeding because of that? but again, terpulang kepada setiap individu, yg nak makannye korang, perut n tekak yg nak telan. for me mmg takde problem, for others maybe its a huuugeee problem. so its all up to you how to handle it k darlings ?=)

Cracked/bleeding/sore nipple

bersyukurlah if anda tidak pernah mengalaminya. memang ade few moms yg dont have to face tis problem at all when they are fatihfully using lanolin ointment on their nipples. memang ade.for me, i memang have this problem masa dlm pantang then ok je, sampai la azriff dh bnyk tumbuh gigi. masa ok tu, tak terfikir pulak nak apply the ointment everyday, so bila azriff ada gigi, memang ya Allah sakit ok. siap bleeding kadang, nak pump pon serba salah., pump pon suction, so sakit, bg baby pon sakit. baby i tak gigit, tp sebab gigi dia dh banyak,so memang berlaga with nips,so sakit ya ampun. i tak pernah kene mastitis tu smpai la ade one day, recently jugak psl i xpump n tak bg baby sbab mmg sakit. cracked dia sampai i jumpa gynae i pon dia ckp "nipple u ni mcm trauma je ni"...haaaa, tak trauma plak i dengar bile dia ckp camtu. tp mastitis i tak teruk pon, i pump manually then ok jugak dkt azriff and apply ointment. so as for the result, my soreness was minimal, and the ointment soothed my skin when it was chafed. sape kate breastfeeding is not challenging? i never complain and it doesnt mean that im going through only good things while breastfeeding? seriously, i bnyk kali kene sore nips ni. lesson learned: always use lanolin ointment on nipples even mase tak sakit,insyaAllah takkan jd horror mcm i.Alhamdulillah skrgni, everytime after pump and malam i apply lanolin before tido.

bab pump manually sila belajar ye kawan2, sebab time sakit mcmni, memang horor gak if nak pump pakai medela tu, sbab nanti u can see ur blood mix with milk. lagi horror! if bagi baby pulak,nanti poo dia jd black colour,yes jgn panic if poo baby black colour if u ade sore nips ke ape,sbab mmg pasal dia hisap darah u ms bfeed. so memang i bnyk berkorban bab sore, cracked n bleeding nips ni laaaaa....sakit ok.jgn ingat xde cabaran langsung. sebab ade je org ckp "ko bolehla bfeed anak ko,semua ko senang ade medela freestyle, ade mase bla bla blaaaa"....hello yes, i admit all those things membantu TAPI if ade semua tu xrase tak tahan sakit pon tak boleh kan?if takde semangat yg kental pon almost impossible kan? ouh 1 more thing, blajar pump manually bagus during time yg krg lupe bwk pump n no baby with you,so takla jd breast engorgement bagai. nak breastfeed baby kene ade ilmu. kene educate yourself , sila google, or bace kt mane2la. i pulak tak suka attend class la,apela. for me, senang,bace je n call my gynae mintka advices. i memang fully utilized my gynae. sikit2 call je dia.hahahahaa. 

mase gi check caracked&bleeding nips kt clinic, Dr kt clinic tu (not my gynae) asked:

"we got injection to reduce milk if you want?"

me: "nope.i dont want "

Dr: "then you have to bear with the pain"

me: "xpelah Doc, i deliver my baby manually, without epidural, i feel the pain. setakat sakit ni berape percent sgtla Doc"

seriously, nak suruh kurangkan susu? xpela.tq. ill' find other solution. =)
ok i stop here for this entry.....will continue in "breastfeeding story part two" if sumbat semua dekat sini, ade org pening bace panjang2 sgt...hehehe. taa peeps =)

kita bg tgk pic budak ni cket=P