Wednesday, July 30

i showed mine, now show a piece of urs!

effort? where is it? show it to me!
at least... a piece of it...

miserable. meet it by mistake.
diffuseness. abviously dominating part of it now.

what else? is it fade already?

damne. dis mind suddenly stuck sumwhere in johore.
almost 8years ago punye cerite.mcm doinks!!

eiiii, cik hamidah yg mereng telah memakaikan bear saye dgn kimono n skirt.
she's having PMS rite now. dats y sumtyme she acted like she was out of her mind.haha
lets take a look of d'pic. ull laugh half dead! hehhhhehehehee..

+johnny (name given by cik hamidah) wif skirt n kimono =P+


your average girl said...

johnny even wears a bra beneath dat!

Primadona Fuschia d' Lolita said...

cute kimono bear