IT SPoILT ME TO d'MAX!!!!!! ergghhhh..
it took me almost an hour to be home everyday due to gridlock + flood + raining season (ouh-get used-get used!!!*sigh*)
im in grief! haihss...
ouh dun be grouchery, rite. neither a grumbler. but uwaaa....
haishh..shut up! stop grouching n grumbling. but uwaaa again...
" Di mana dia mr patrick saya " (out of sudden)
i refuse to be happy lately. y?
bcoz im in confusion..haihss...again
errmm, sudalaa..better upload raya pics in dis entry..dpt juga tengok muke kanak2 comel (not me obviously)..hehehe...i compiled raya pics from 1st raya (me n my sibling n cousin in orange at grandma's), me wearing red kebaya ( 4th day raya-mustang convoy), me in white kebaya (2nd day raya open house at parent's )and me in decent kurung biru (last saturday convoy wif offcemate from rawang to pj to keramat n sum of em to s.alam)...gile mesra rakyat kami ni..hehehhee..enjoy d'pics =)
aksi cute from zharif..cute sgt si kecik ni...
soo lazy to help out during open house at parents -we camwhored -wuuuuuuuuu+
going or not going ni??? adeh2.... tata..nite2..
yeah! its much better,
very cool.
very clever.
not bad.
not bad.
i think you add more info about it.
what happened to the other one?
not bad.
thats amazing story.
its good to know about it? where did you get that information?
help me.
very clever.
very nice! hahahahaha
im here because of few cents for you. just dropping by.
wth??? it auto comment from some web or whutt???dewhhhh
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