Monday, July 13


story 1

request unapproved!

application declined!
paris??? who r u? -ignoring-



his words - "siap berkomplot dgn ayong nampak, nak pujuk i to let you go to paris, tak jalan jugak-haha *evil laugh*"

blurp *merajok mode*

rethinkin' and reconsiderin'

majok? useless! jenis2 patrick ni buat penat je nak majok kan.

if i say "baby, i majok"

"ermmm", his prompt reply

"ermmm ,je? i majok betul2 ni tau, tk reti2 pujuk ke?"

"ooOOOooo, kene pujuk eh?, nape sayang majok?"

Oooouh my GODDDDDDDD...will u continue sulkin'?

when u know dat person wont bother to coax you or even not taking serious wif ur *majok* mode?

ceh! penat kan majok??? siap nak kene explain plak nape majok n sometime siap kene explain care2 nak pujuk n kasi kite cool,bley?

yeah, that's my patrick, so i decide not to i know and i believe he always knows whats best for us....

like last time mase i ckp "baby, nak gi london n scotland,thinkin' of attendin' ku'in's convocation day in aberdeen,scot"

"ok, syg, i survey tix n d'place"

and when i requested to go to gold coast early dis year, at first i majok gak,die mcm tkmo pergi, then, suddenly he said "ok2, i book now, lets go to gold coast"

terus kite senyum...comel jugak patrick ni some time kan? heheheheh...

so, dis time he explained to me bout money planninglaa ,(plus we'll be getting married this year, we should save more money for our big day plus++ return tix is 10K ++ occay -last minutelaaa...cittt...)

so, takpela, tak majokla ngn patrick....but patrick still tak chomel, comot and tak ensem bcoz patrick didnt allow me to go to france wif u ....

*mogok cket* =P

story 2

"hello, wanie ye?"

yawning wif half eyes closed, "ye, wanie"

"pakcik ni, ape khabar"

shite-jump off from bed, dis time my eyes fully & widely opennn

"yee, pakcik,errr"-mumbling-cursing myself

"lame tak dengar cerite, ape khabar?"

errr,lame - (last week- bali trip, this week- my staffs having training at sunway-damne bz monitoring and pick em up after training and drove all the way to sunway form kl.

"oooOOooo, maaf pakcik, dr balik bali tu macam sibuk cket, pakcik sihat?"

"pakcik sihat, Alhamdulillah, ni tido lagi ke?"

this eyes automatically have a quick look at the tick-tockin' clock - half past eight in the mornin'???? ni dah kire kantoi dgn bakal daddy in law ni-uwaaaa, change the topic or juz make an innocent confession? *thinkin'*

"errr, a'ah pakcik, semalam man call sampai lewat malam,lambat tido" - spontinously the idea came form the brain, so simply the mouth pouring all the words and nicely say it with full of confidence, - blame the fiance!!!!! hahahahahahhaha - good idea- *big grin*

patrick mmg call pon dat nite kan darling? hehehe...

then 2-3 days after, i innocently told patrick the story, and he came wif loong lecture

"i tak tau syg,smpai bakal ayah mertua call, kite nak hidup ber2, syg kene jage hati......bla..bla...bla", cit ...nyesal cite....kene ceramah plak...

the i said" oooo, macamla, baby selalu call my mom, jgn sampai my mom call baby atas kapal tu, haaaa, baru tau"

he laughed and i smiled - silently i told myself "patrick ni cute bile gelak-ceh, padahal tk nampak pon dlm fon-hehehehe-

deep inside im telling myself - only he can bring me laughs and tears, and only he who could understand me better than others - i love you sayang...

hhahahhaha...mushy post- dont puke darlingsssss!!!! =P

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