Monday, June 4

mommy, i want to eat! eat! eat! not the type yg suka try recipe2 yg best2 like Annabel Karmel’s recipe . azriff dr kecik smpai besar eat the same food everyday. I mean basic same je pon, nasi or bubur. Tak pernah lain.hehehe. adela sekali 2 bg spaghetti Bolognese. Aihhh…Nampak sgt mommy yg xberape nak rajin (in short:pemalas). Actually ade tgk recipe best ni letak apricotla,vege,milk&fish and then bake bagai. But ntahla rase mcm susahnyeeeeeee nak buat.haiyer! I bgn pagi, masak bubur (then campak2 chicken cubes, broccoli, carrot&potatoes.tu mcm dah jadi azriff’s official food.haha. kesian Azriff. Tak pon, masak nasi then buat soup, or steamed/fried fish. Paling dahsyat, makan nasi dgn kicap if tak sempat sgt. (wahhh,x sempatnye..padahal bangun lambat!) eh nak list down laaaa…ape yg selalu mommy cooks for my baby Naashif.semoga mommy insaf untuk masak food yg lebih sedap ala2 omputih for my baby (ambitious tak hengat!)

1) Porridge (urgh, tell me something new!) + broccoli+ potato

2) Porridge + broccoli + carrot + potato (pusing2 tang tu gak). Haha

3) Porridge + glair + potato (or carrot or broccoli) –yes, its kind of a rotation I guess.haha

4) Porridge + avocado + glair (or potato/broccoli/carrot) haha. Ape lagi kan?

5) Porridge + salmon + broccoli

6) Rice + chicken soup

7) Rice + fried salmon ( with olive oil+butter)

8) Rice + vege

9) Rice + fried egg (dh mcm budak 4-5 tahun buat anak sendirkan?adoii)

10) Rice + any type of dishes that I cooked that day (or served in the restaurant)

11) Tak mau tulis nasi + kicap (Nampak kejam) wuwu.

Wahhhh….poor my baby…I guess other kids are really enjoying their tasty+delicious food at home.

Eg: chicken puree with sweet potato and apple .(gulp ….dengar poon dah drooling) but my problem is: takde nasik best ke? Gaaaa! Dasar pemakan nasik punye emak! Azriff mesti tension. So end up azriff pon kene makan nasi everyday *facepalm*

How to be more creative? and i'd like to make homemade baby food recipes (ranging from easy-peasy to advanced baby table food recipes???)......someone please teach me…..i feel its quite difficult and when looking at the food (which not rice/porridge for main course) ill go….daaaaa..kenyang ke? Sigh!

                                         mommy's taking my pic as usual. senyum cket la.hehe

                                                       mommy, please...malulaaaaa aiiiiii

                                                       my bfast on d'go!(grapes+tomatoes)
p/s : Azriff mommy cuba untuk menjadi lebih rajin!

p/s lagii: but mommy azriff still rasa dia baik sikit dr mommy 2yg asyik bg anak drg makan nestum hari2....heheheh. (nak jugak up diri sendiri=P )


Aina Adam said...

Hahaha.. Azriff in the towel. Priceless..malu2 gitu...

Unknown said...

bubor pon sedap la emak..kami pong mkn buboq ja dulu.melayu kan:')

YanD'Touch said...

sama lah ngan akk wanie..pusing2 menu sama jer mcm wanie..kdg2 naik blurrrr...wuwuwuwu

Iezawani said...

aina :hehehe...tula berkemban lagi anak bujang saye.wuwu

wani: kannnnn....tapi bile tgk emak2 org lain masak sedap2 utk anak dia ala2 omputih rs nak try gak.hehhe.tapi pemalas.adoi.

kak yanti: tu la kak, pusing2 same je menu.smpai lupe kdg2 menu tu same dgn smlm punye ke tak.hehe