who got a domestic maid at home? hands up! i believe for those who have, you have your own reason why and why u are willing to put some amount of money just to get a stranger to stay with you at home.
please know that actually me n hubby seriously dont like any strangers to stay at our home. i mean, well not really stranger la, let say if family members pon, (can come over and sleep at our house for some occasions or what i mean not staying with us for forever or errrr...more than few days) kejam tak statement tuan rumah?mesti xde org nak tido myhouse after this. dont get me wrong, if dtg visit, melawat melepak ok, but tinggal cni for any reason, mcm susahje.sebab kami suka berdua-duaan eh skrg ber3-3 an. if ade org kt rumah like parents or anybody else, rs cam susah je nak bermesra-mesraan dikhalayak rumah. i pulak jenis kt rumah memang tak pernah tak seksi, pakaian di rumah tiada yg mencapai tahap piwaian tertinggi kesopanan&kesusilaan.(dolu2 pakaian kt luar pon mcmtu-hehehe). so mcm susah nak cover2. bila hubby's offshore, PIL will come to my house, teman menantu dgn cucunya (mase xde maid)-baik kan mak mertua i? so mmg kene bersopanla dpn FIL ku...tp if hubby balik, they wont be around, so only 3 of us in the house.yippie-yay!
actually, me and hubby toyed with so many different options before settling on maid option. But we've decided to take a maid for few reasons:
1 - Quality time (ewahhh2, mengade).its because hubby's working 5weeks offshore and has only like 4 and half weeks onshore(break). so during that time only we can hang out together, watching movies, doing our fav things together...etc...etc..if we are maidless, yes we can send azriff to nursery, but we have to pick him up at 6pm, 630pm at the latest!.if i send him to nursery, for sure around 630 i have to be home. so no gym for me? i prefer to go to the gym after work, so 5-6 at the gym and then dash off home. so sending azriff to nursery is not a good option for me plus when azriff's daddy is around so we cant go out dating-datong after work?okayyy, thats not healthy for us=P seriously if my hubby is working in KL, office hour, we definitely wont take maid because pergi-balik kerja dah bersama-sama.hihihi....everyday pon jumpa kan? ni sekali sekala jumpa.....got certain time we only see each other for 2weeks (like this time laaaa).sobs.
2- and how if i do get held back at work.more than 630pm? who going to pick up Azriff at nursery? if im going abroad for meetings, trainings etc ? when im hanging out with the gurls at night? (i pefer to have this kind of lifestyle than later i meroyan and keep saying "no me time laaa" "im not a fun person anymore after being a mom" or else everytime the gurls keluar i'll sedih sendiri psl i xdpt keluar, kene balik awal.gosh, hugeee no!its not necessary to go out every night, i mean like once a month, sometimes got speacial ocassion like birthday party, bachelorette party so of course la karaoke bagia nak rak. then who is going to take care of Azriff? of course the maid......if krg yg hubby always around to bolehla mintak tlg hubby takes care of your baby, but like if hubby's working, how? as i said, if both of us working in the office, memang tak la nak amik maid.yes, we live nearby our parents house, but still....our PIL is busy with their other cucu....plus we are independant like that =P (kononnye) =P
3- my super duper rajin hubby!krg kalau nak kawen tu tlg tengok2 sket hubby tu rajin tak. if rajin memang ok, tp if SUPER rajin, krg sila blah awal2.hahahahah.... 1 good thing is, memanggg krg takkan face things like :
"yang, u tak boleh gantung ke towel u, asal letak atas katil ni?"
"baby, baju u tu tolong letak dlm washing machine ye,eiii yg bau busuk ni ape? ur socks ke?gosh!"
"yang, i letih laaaa.... tolong lipatkan baju tu, kalau u nak bilik ni jd gunung baju, okayy je u takyah lipat,i campak u campak, kan sweet sehati sejiwa gittew"
memang serious bertuahnye jadi dirini ini, tak pernah membebel kat hubby pasal bende2 diatas TAPI. ye ade tapi SAYA lah insan yg selalu diBEBELI!....haaa,kan dh wujud such word? hahahaha....ini penting ye utk mengekalkan healthy relationship psl if not, mmg asyik nak bertekak je la, iyela, hubby 5weeks keje offshore, tak jage anak bagai, im d'one yg who takes care of Azriff , hal2 rumah semua i settelkan sendiri. soi bila time dia balik, sajela nak bg tasks kt dia.hehehhe...biar dia kemas rumah, dia dah memang the youngest child, so memang xreti jage budak. asal nangis pass kt i, itujela kejenye.haha. dia xmerungut pon kene kemas. tapi kadang2 bising jugak.sooo utk mengelakkan BISINGAN itu, mari kite amek maid!hehehe....1 more thing, hubby super rajin ni, keje dia pantang tengok sepah,dia kemas.weekend ke, weekedays ke..keje memang kemas. rimas ok tengok. haaa,sekali amek maid, baru tenang cket hidup ni, xla di aasyik mengemas je.hubby memang spesis morning person, kol 7 bgn then tetibe gi bwh kemas, mungkin dia xley tido pk pinggan mangkuk last nite yg xbasuh!erggghhh! so ambil maid, memang phew! tiada BEBEBLAN lagi!mungkin yg akan dibebeli is the maid.hahahaha....sbab dia ade gak merungut few things
"syg, dia mop xbersih ni, i xsuke camni"
"syg dh ckp kt dia bersihakan betol2 lantai tu? i nak yg memenuhi piawai i ok, bukan sygnye piawai"
(cissss, piawai dia adalah super bersih, tahap laintai dh mop mcm upah 10org org gaji mop, langsung xde kesan debu dan kotoran)...hadoi....
4- how if dah beranak 2-3-dan 4? still no maid at home? we sent azriff to nursery but seriously every week he got different type of disease. this week fever, next week flu, next 2weeks cough+flu...so memang non stop on medicine.gaaa! thats why we chose to have maid at home. taking care of azriff is the main thing. but we make sure to bring him to the park, playing with other kids + the cousins, swimming class, music class, so that he could develop his socializing skills.
i guess when the time comes where me and hubby can be more democratic when it comes to the household chores & hubby is working in the office, then ill consider to go- maidless!sounds ouh-so-like-a-pampered-bunch right?
sama la aku pun..bukan tak suka orang datang rumah..just for few days or max a week boleh la..not more than that okeh..coz the same reason gaks..seksi meksi di rumah adalah sgt best..even jiran2 nk dtg rumah pun aku mls bukak pintu kalau tak penting..sila call dulu..coz aku malas nak tuka baju..hahaha..
gahaha..aku pong..aku sebaik aje melangkah ke rumah..terus ade urgency nk bukak sume.x tau la asal..tetibe rase rimas ngan baju bajan:p baju sume sexy thp tak bole blah pussycatdoll pon kalah.gahaha..tula kalo ade rezeki lebih mcm emak, kalo bole nk dudok sendiri:)doakan rezeki kami murah ye emak:)
fiena: hahaaha.seksi dirumah adelah perkare paling penting skali ok.kekekeke....tula, xslesa if org ade.tp depends ngn org la kan,ade yg suke.tp if ade org dok ngn aku ntah cemane nk cover seksi.skrgni ad emaid pon kene cover cket.hadoi!laki aku ckp kang maid ingat aku tak senonoh.haha
wani:insyaAllah.amin.... kamu kan di jepon, nanti blk mesia, dok sendiri la.hehe.sabo dulu.jgn nak berseksi aje.kekeke... nanti blk mesia roger. =)
Agree on the part utk seksi meksi tu..like now stay dgn PIL x boleh nak seksi pun.. Wuuu tapi tu lah maybe sebab aku duduk dgn aunty aku dulu mcm dah imune..
Agree on the part utk seksi meksi tu..like now stay dgn PIL x boleh nak seksi pun.. Wuuu tapi tu lah maybe sebab aku duduk dgn aunty aku dulu mcm dah imune..
me too. sbb tu xsuka sgt org dtg lelama especially if ada BIL skali. stress mak nak kena pakai tudung lengan panjang bagai 24-7
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